Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Wake up, see that its eight thirty. Class in an hour. Showered last night.

Turn the other way and go back to sleep.

Wake up, freak out because it feels like ive been sleeping forever. Check the time hoping that I could still make it to my noon class.

Its eight thirty seven.

Roll over, go back to bed.


Walking towards class, reach the building seven minutes early, lean against a tree and try to exhale my tension but marlboro lets me down. I see you walking towards me and I feel no need to smile. I just stare.

'Whats wrong?'

'Nothing, it just doesnt feel like ive woken up and have to go through a whole new day.'

'You have class right now?'

'Yup. What about you?'

'Work. And I misjudged the weather and now im fucking freezing.'

'Then go inside fool.'

'I will. Just checking up on your first.'

'Im fine'

'Sure. Your fine, im not flunking my chem lab, we both arnt broke- i hear its going to rain tequila later.'

And you get me smiling.


You run away, you run and run and run. And then you realize that you left behind your sanctuary. My sanctuary is words.

And so im back.


Blogger mahnoor said...



2:09 PM  
Blogger mahnoor said...



2:13 PM  
Blogger Natasha said...

i lovelove you for coming back. FINALLY!!!!!

yaaaaaaaaaay! yeah man *confetti*

3:22 PM  
Blogger discopapaya said...


i love you guys

2:30 PM  

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