Monday, February 19, 2007


two posts in one day. woah. this is what happens when you're intoxicated on a Monday night.

I spend my nights with three people:

1) An Indian overtly homosexual Senior, majoring in Math and Statistics with a minor in English. Can be recognized with his garish bright orange Armani jacket, chain smoking outside the science building. Likes: Pot, Nerdy men, his Armani jacket, Pakistani shawls and ethnic mean girls. Dislikes: Pakistani's, Malboro Mediums, tea with too much sugar and American accents.

2) A Vietnamese sophomore, one of those girls who grew up with a girl name and changed it into a boys name when she realized that her hair looked better in a buzz cut and she preferred boxers over briefs. She can be found playing womens rugby, canoodling with the love of her life at any given moment or working out in the gym that ive never entered since I've gotten here. Likes: Hand rolled cigarettes, older white women, honey tea, whole pineapples and Pot.

3) The trilingual legend, who can tease you in French Arabic and his own quirky take on the English Language. Always in a collared shirt, always getting cigarettes of a certain Pakistani, always eating pears after every meal. Likes: Black, being able to act superior because he speaks three languages (and is currently learning Spanish), England and Hippo's that he plans on adopting and putting in his backyard when he makes it big. Dislikes: Pablo Neruda (though he can recite Me Gustas Quando Qallas without effort), carbonated beverages, the Queen and the girl that broke his heart when he was 15.

*Insert silly joyful smile*

*Multiply it by a hundred*

There you go.


Blogger Natasha said...

french-arabic and currently learning spanish?

hahahah cute :P not that the other friends aren't.

8:25 PM  

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