Saturday, November 04, 2006


Aliterations anyone?

Must stop fidgeting. Must figure out what to do, must organize and re-organize and settle down and simplify.

Must stop changing the songs on Itunes, even when I love the song I get tired of it after the first few minutes.

Stop. Just stop.

Stop typing so fast. Stop feverishly sipping out of a cup thats run out of water. Stop worrying about the paper due monday, the midterm on friday, the piles and piles of reading for next week. The laundrys done, you really should go pick it up. You left some stuff in their room last night and you need it now, your hairs drying funny, you need coffee and for once its quite nice outside. Its 3-49 in the afternoon, theres dinner at five, but you wont go, you'll make an excuse and bow out, you'll skip the movie and lie about doing work instead. It'll strike midnight and you'll give up on the solitary confinement and join the others, drink to get drunk, stagger home at some ungodly hour and go to sleep in the clothes you were wearing the entire day. You'll wake up with a hangover and a bad taste in your mouth, your roommate giving you the 'dude are you ever AWAKE?' look.

Pathetic. Your so completely pathetic.

Pathetic and restless.

With no clothes to wear because everythings in the laundry and weird limpy hair.

You came into my room last night, at about four in the morning. You knocked on the door, got no reply and so felt that you could walk in irrespective. The lights were off, my roomie was fast asleep, I was awake but I didnt move nor make a sound.

You called out my name, once, twice, thrice. The door began to shut and the amount of light entering the room began to decrease, I moved an inch- the bed sheets rustled.

'I know your awake'


'Christ, Come on.'


'Fine, im leaving tomorrow morning, ill see you Sunday.'

Bloodshot eyes baby doll, im not going to let you see that.

Im not letting you know.



Blogger Natasha said...

*gives you a great big bear hug*

:) hang in there. since it's the season of midterms we're all stuck in a restless, reclined, random rut. as soon as you're done with them please sleep at least one day away!

6:33 PM  

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