Saturday, December 23, 2006


The scene opens. The air reeks of deep friend chicken and cigarettes. They eat silently, one sprawled on the floor, another on the sofa, one sitting upright after waking up from an insanely long nap. He comes out of the kitchen with drinks, puts down the ketchup and resumes inhaling the Zinger.

They see headlights, they hear a car screech to a halt, they hear the screech of the gate opening, they see a dark figure entering the house, they see an old friend walk through the door, they get up to give welcome back hugs, she hears screams and happy shrieking, she sees hugging and laughing and catching up.

She does nothing.

Damn, that fried chicken really did stink.

That was the only thought, the only thought running through my head.

He turns, all the welcome hello’s dealt with. Eyes crisscross, a familiar smile met with another. You just come and sit by me, just by me. No greeting, no need for the passing of words. Bodies shift to compensate for the other, swivel around, arm on shoulder, so completely known, so completely recognized.

Welcome back, its been far far far too long.

And now, im home.

I missed you more than everyone here combined.

I know, I know.

You didn’t miss me at all.

Not really no.


Love you too darling.


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