Saturday, March 03, 2007


its not romantic here in blue,
swimming, swimming in blue.

And it snowed, it snowed till cars looked like big fluffy marshmallows and you finally had your fill of snow angels and snow ball fights. I had a bus to catch, I had a weekend in Chicago all planned out, but with my luck the buses were canceled and I was stuck in the dump known as my college all weekend. Planning to study and sleep through most if it, I was acutely reminded of Founders Day Ball, the one and only formal held at college and my girls seemed shocked at my indifference to it. Before I knew it, I was being put into a burnt turquoise dress, forced into silver heels and tweaked and teased irrespective of my cries of harassment.

The best nights of your life are not when you meet the love of your life, or when you dance till the early morning. They aren't about the perfect blend of alcohol and weed, they aren't about meeting all the right people and being the social butterfly.

You walk into a room and you know you look good. The dress looks good, the hair is perfect, no complaints in any department. And no matter what happens after that point, you know its been a great night, because it came from within you instead of being brought upon by external factors.

You mingle, too many people to meet, to many pictures to take, to many dances to dance. The dance ends, you go outside to smoke and are told to wait before leaving for the after party because some people are joining us. Who?, you ask.

Turn around, see you walking out the door, yes.

We walk behind the pack of noisy drunkards and make our way towards destination number one. We stay back to finish smoking, lie to our friends and retreat back to a place that is solely yours and mine. Both our phones ring, again and again, and we pick up and lie, over and over again. We talk, for hours and I tell you that I wont love you because you'll leave me soon enough. And you tell me thats no reason, you're here now, May is far far away. We talk about our worlds, and our need to run away from them ever so often, and realize that this was one of those moments. Our friends were party hopping, we were sitting quietly in a room ignoring the background noise.

We leave eventually, you can only treat your friends for shit for so long. We skip to the last party on the list, are met with familiar faces and join the celebrations.

Pause with me darling, pause with me.

Walking back to my room at sunrise, silver heels nervously maneuvering around tufts of snow, my semi-curls bouncing around my face.

If the sun hit her just right, you could see her smiling.


Blogger Natasha said...

i forgot about the corrs.

and yeah you looked hot ;)
marry me pliss? such an eager frandshipper i am.

p.s i want a picture of those silver heels.

6:29 PM  

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